Fog: Causes, types, and visibility effects around the city

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Causes: Fog results from the condensation of water vapor in the air when warm, moist air encounters cooler temperatures, forming tiny water droplets.

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Types: Common types include radiation fog, formed on clear nights; advection fog, created when warm air moves over a cool surface; and upslope fog, occurring as moist air ascends a slope and cools.

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Impacts on Visibility: Fog significantly reduces visibility, creating hazardous conditions for transportation and outdoor activities.

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Air Traffic Disruption: Dense fog often leads to disrupted air travel, causing delays and cancellations due to impaired visibility at airports.

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Road Safety Concerns: Fog poses risks on roadways, necessitating reduced speed, increased following distance, and the use of headlights for safe navigation.

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Maritime Navigation Challenges: Fog in coastal areas hampers maritime navigation, requiring vessels to use foghorns and radar systems for safe passage.

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Economic Impact: Fog-related disruptions can have economic consequences, affecting industries like transportation, tourism, and agriculture.

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Temperature Inversions: Fog occurrence is influenced by temperature inversions, where a layer of warm air traps cooler air near the surface, creating conditions conducive to fog formation.

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