How much vitamin C is too much for the immune system, and what are the implications of consuming an excessive amount of ascorbic acid?

It has been suggested, ever since the beginning of the pandemic, to increase the amount of foods that are high in vitamin C from the diet in order to improve the health of the immune system.

According to the findings of a study, this vitamin that is water-soluble has the potential to reduce the likelihood of spreading an illness and even combat viral infections.

However, if you consume an excessive amount of this vitamin, you can also experience some unwanted side effects associated with it.

Consumption of anything, even nutritious and healthy food, should be done so in moderation in order to achieve the most possible advantages. The amount of vitamin C that you should ingest in a single day is as follows.

According to Mayo Clinic, men over 19 should take 90 mg of Vitamin C daily and women 75 mg. Pregnancy and lactation increase water-soluble vitamin requirement. At this special time, women need 85–120 mg of Vitamin C. Smokers need more vitamin C since smoking depletes it. All smokers need is 35 milligrams of this vitamin. Vitamin C absorption declines 50% at 1000 mg per day. Overconsuming this vitamin may be harmful.

The water-soluble vitamin in several ways to prevent infection and expedite wound healing. Foods high in vitamin C include antioxidants that combat disease-causing free radicals. It also boosts immunity and repairs tissue. Adequate vitamin C intake everyday may repair wounds and preserve healthy bones. Also engaged in metabolic activities, this vitamin is essential to create fibrous connective tissue protein.

Raw fruits and vegetables provide greater vitamin C. Heat and light can degrade vitamins in long-cooked foods. Additionally, adding vitamin C-rich food to curry dilutes the nutrient. If you don't drink the beverage, the vitamin may not be absorbed. Eat more raw vitamin C-rich foods and avoid overcooking.

The body excretes excess vitamin C through urine, but chronic use can harm you in many ways. Common vitamin overdose negative effects include:

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