Instructions on how to deal with a scenario in which you do not want to have sexual relations as much as your spouse does.

It's very common to experience a surge of intense sexual desire one day and then completely disappear the following day. Nobody has the right to tell you differently. Mood swings affect libido.

If your spouse has more sex desire than you do, that's also perfectly normal. On the other hand, concerns may arise if you and your spouse begin to have libido mismatch.

In the end, it may even affect how well your relationship is doing. Plus, we've got some suggestions on how to handle this.

Always easier said than done. You may feel insecure discussing sex with your lover. It might also suggest you're working on this issue together and strengthening your friendship. Discuss your issue with your spouse and find a solution.

If a partner suddenly states their sex drive is dead, you may question, "What did you do to provoke it?" When you tell your partner about your diminishing sex drive, they may agree. They may wonder if you dislike them or if they did something wrong. You must explain it's not their fault. Other factors may lower libido.

If you don't think talking to your partner will help, try therapy. Go alone or with your companion. Therapy might help you diagnose and treat low libido.

If you have low libido, find out what turns you on. Your lover might massage you, watch porn, or read erotica. You may attempt dating nights in and sexting your sweetheart again. All of this may spark desire and curiosity, increasing sex drive.

If you're stressed out by a declining sex drive, you may have a problem. Hyposexual desire disorder (HSDD) is this. Approximately 10% of women are affected. Discuss symptoms and self-care with your doctor. Sexual desire can be increased with medicines.

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