(Part-2) US claims Texas prevented border officers from entering park to help 3 drowning migrants.

Abbott's administration addressed inquiries about the drownings to the Texas Military Department, which stated its security troops spotted Mexican officials reacting to an incident across the river 45 minutes after Border Patrol alerted the state. 

 The government said it maintains water rescue equipment and works with local paramedics to treat migrants. “At no time did TMD security personnel along the river observe any distressed migrants, nor did TMD turn back any illegal immigrants from the US during this period,” the department claimed.

Cuellar, the leading Democrat on the House Appropriations Committee's homeland security subcommittee, said, “This is a tragedy, and the State bears responsibility.”

Late Friday, Mexican officials informed the Border Patrol to the troubled migrants in the river, according to Texas border district representative Cuellar. Federal agents unsuccessfully called Texas National Guard personnel at Shelby Park to transmit the information. The lawmaker said agents were turned away at the park entry after being assured a Guard member would investigate.

The city owns the 50-acre park, but the state Department of Public Safety and Texas Military Department guard border crossings there. As daily crossings dropped from thousands to 500, state officials set up barricades and stationed military vehicles at the border this week to block the public and Border Patrol officers, according to a court filing.

Texas contested accusations Border Patrol officers were denied entrance in Supreme Court. They stated the Border Patrol had reduced its presence since July, when the state relocated resources and staff to the park.

The state stated federal agents were allowed to secure supplies. Cuellar stated the victims' nationalities, relationships, and ages were unknown. The Mexican government kept quiet.

On Saturday, locals staged a park ceremony to honor migrants who died. After requesting admission from the city and uploading photos of the entrance still blocked and guarded by the National Guard and military vehicles, priest Julio Vasquez said access was given.

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