Snow and Ice: The Science of Frozen Precipitation

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Formation: Snow forms when water vapor in the air condenses directly into ice crystals, usually in clouds with temperatures below freezing.

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Snowflake Structure: Each snowflake is a unique ice crystal, and their intricate shapes result from variations in temperature and humidity as they fall through the atmosphere.

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Types of Snowflakes: Snowflakes can have diverse structures, including dendrites, plates, columns, and needles, influenced by atmospheric conditions during formation.

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Sleet: Sleet occurs when raindrops freeze before reaching the ground, forming small ice pellets.

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Freezing Rain: Freezing rain results from rain that freezes upon contact with surfaces, creating a coating of ice.

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Hail Formation: Hail forms in severe thunderstorms when updrafts carry raindrops into freezing upper layers, causing layers of ice to accumulate and form hailstones.

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Glaciers: Large masses of ice formed from the accumulation and compaction of snow over long periods, glaciers shape landscapes through their movement.

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Ice Crystals: Beyond snowflakes, various forms of ice crystals, such as diamond dust and halos, can occur in cold, clear conditions, contributing to optical phenomena in the atmosphere.

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